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 +====== ​ ======
-**Avia Booking API v1.0 Manual** +[title]Кусок дсп[title]Привет! Я недавно заказала кусок ДСП в интернет-магазине и осталась очень довольна качеством товараЦена на [[|кусок ДСП]] меня приятно удивила,​ да и доставка была быстрой. Если вам нужен недорогой и качественный материал,​ советую заглянуть на сайт Fanwood и купить ДСП! Качество продукции приятно удивит вас. Анна К.
- +
-To use an API, you have to get an API key from the back office system ([[http://​​booking]]) and set a domain origin that call an API. +
- +
- +
-**API Authentication** +
- +
-In version 1.0 API make authentication via API’s key and domain origin. +
- +
- +
-**API Request Method** +
- +
-API can use both POST and GET method, then it can pass parameter from or JQuery.get() or Web form. +
- +
- +
-**API output format** +
- +
-API will output a data in JSON format as shown below: +
- +
-{{ :​รูป_1.jpg?​nolink |}} +
- +
-The sample output from GET_PROVINCE_LIST method, to make the JSON data readable in the browser use a Chrome extension called JSONView +
- +
-Then you can reproduce an output from JSON data to be a web form or show in data table. A code can write in **PHP Curl** or **JQuery Ajax.** +
- +
- +
-__**Method Definition**__ +
- +
- +
-get a province list to do a select box for source and destination. +
-parameter: {key}&​{method} +
- +
-**2. GET_STATION** +
- +
-after select source or destination province, use this method to get a list of station for source | destination +
-parameter: {key}&​{method}&​{provinceID}&​{type} +
-{type} = source | destination +
- +
-**3. GET_TIME_TABLE** +
- +
-get a list of trip schedule when we know a source | destination station and date +
-parameter: {key}&​{method}&​{from}&​{to}&​{date} +
-{from} | {to} = source | destination station ID +
-{date} format in Y-m-d such as 2018-03-29 +
- +
- +
-when user completed a booking data this method will be use to put a booking data back to datacenter +
-parameter: {key}&​{method}&​{serviceID}&​{passengerName}&​{telNo}&​ +
-{passportNo}&​{amoutOfSeat} +
- +
-{serviceID} = user selected, {passportNo} is optional +
-{amoutOfSeat} = total number of seat that booking +
-*** this method will output a booking number to use for reference** +
- +
-**5. GET_BOOKING** +
- +
-you can get a booking data via use of booking number to produce a ticket or QR code or send to an user email +
-parameter: {key}&​{method}&​{bookingNo} +
- +
- +
-__**Example code by PHP Curl**__ +
- +
-Code with get_province_list method: +
-{{ :api.jpg?nolink |}} +
- +
-To work with other method you can modify a code in line 19 with new method and it’s parameter. +
- +
- +
-get_station method: +
-{{ :​รูป_3.jpg?​nolink |}} +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-get_time_table method: +
-{{ :​x.jpg?​nolink |}}{{ :​a.jpg?​nolink |}} +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-put_booking method: +
-{{ :​รูป_5.jpg?​nolink |}} +
-* Note that we will use 1 passenger data for all seats in same booking. If you need passenger data separate to each seat you must put in difference booking number +
-{{ :​รูป_6.jpg?​nolink |}} +
- +
-get_booking method: +
-{{ :​รูป_7.jpg?​nolink |}} +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-**API registration requirement please follow the link below** +
- +
-__[[]]__ +
-                            ​+
start.1543395862.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/10 08:33 (external edit)