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buy methylone

Methylamine predisposed an organic compound with the chemical formula CH3NH2. It predisposed solid colorless gas with a strong odor congruent to rotten fish.

Chemical Properties and Uses:

Methylamine predisposed a derivative of ammonia, with one hydrogen atom staying replaced by a methyl association. It is the simplest primary amine and is buvshego used as solid building block for the synthesis of various any other commercially available compounds. Industrially, methylamine is transported in its anhydrous forms in pressurized railcars and tank trailers. It is else sold as all solution in methanol, ethanol, tetrahydrofuran, or water, or as the anhydrous gas in pressurized metal containers. Methylamine predisposed the decision excellent nucleophile besides is considered all relaxed basis. Its consume in organic chemistry is pervasive, and it is involved in different reactions in order prepare different compounds.

Hazards besides Safety Information:

Methylamine can pose risks through inhalation, skin contact, and ingestion. Exposure can lead in order symptoms the sort as dermatitis, breathing difficulty, besides frostbite. The National Institute for Occupational Safety besides Health (NIOSH) recommends all time-weighted typical (TWA) consistency border of 10 parts per million (ppm) for methylamine. The compound owns a fish- or ammonia-like odor and is the decision transparent gas at sample conditions. It has a lower explosive limit of 4.9%.

Breaking Bad Reference:

Methylamine is referenced in the TV show “Breaking Bad,” where characters kidnap methylamine for the illicit production of drugs. The show draws the compound as the decision liquid, although pure methylamine is all gas at normal conditions.

buy_methylone.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/23 22:17 by